Guidance and prompts for using Style Reference code
--sref 2813629345

sref code and prompt case 1 --sref 2813629345

sref code and prompt case 2 --sref 2813629345

sref code and prompt case 3 --sref 2813629345

sref code and prompt case 4 --sref 2813629345


This style showcases a futuristic and immersive artistic style, combining technology, nature, and social elements to create a mysterious and captivating atmosphere.

Style Analysis

This style primarily uses cool tones like blue and cyan, contrasted with orange, imparting a crisp and highly futuristic feel. This color scheme enhances the fusion of technological and natural elements.
The uses of layered lighting, especially in underwater and night scenes, enhances the three-dimensionality and depth of This style. Reflective and refractive lighting effects add dynamics and realism.
Design Technique:
This style combines photography with digital artistry, using high contrast and detailed processing to bring each scene to life with vitality and expressiveness. Both characters and backgrounds are richly depicted, creating an engaging visual experience.

Application Scenarios

Immersive Experience Design and Lighting Arrangement for Underwater Music Parties: Create unique underwater music party experiences using this style to attract music lovers seeking novelty. Synchronize lighting with sound to create a dreamlike atmosphere where participants feel the perfect blend of music and the ocean.
Virtual Reality Experience and Promo Video Production for Space Tourism Projects: Develop VR experiences for high-end clients to preview the mystery and grandeur of space travel. Promotional videos using this visual style showcase the wonder and sensory excitement of space exploration, sparking curiosity and adventure in potential travelers.
Illustration and Interactive Cover Design for Futuristic Urban Adventure Novels: Design illustrations for niche futuristic urban adventure novels using this visual style to enhance story immersion. Interactive cover designs allow readers to explore fictional cities through mobile apps, increasing engagement and enjoyment.
Online Workshops and Visual Creative Guidance for Night Photography Enthusiasts: Conduct online workshops for night photography enthusiasts, providing visual creative guidance in this style. Help participants master night scene photography techniques, including lighting usage, color contrast, and emotional expression, enhancing their skills and personal style.

More Tips

You can explore further by combining the following command:

  • --s: Default value is 100, can be set from 0 to 1000. The higher the value, the more detailed the image, and the closer the style may be to reality.
  • -niji 6: Using this command will give the image a more anime style.
  • --sw: Default value is 100, can be input from 0 to 1000. A higher value makes the style closer to the original.
  • You can now blend multiple --sref codes together (for example --sref 123 456 )
  • You can weigh individual codes or urls as follows --sref 123::2
  • You can also read more guides on How to use SREF Code

Other Reference Code

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